


Let me just start off by saying that this week has been quite the adventure. I am starting to get into a routine with Noah and Drew... we are slowly but surely getting our stride! Last night Drew let momma sleep for 4 hours straight... ohhh it was welcomed with open arms and shut eyes! Needless to say this past week we have had some major night time 'Momma & Drew' bonding time!

Also this week big brother Noah has been my little helper. He has done such a great job.. bless his little heart! He is still very curious/not-so-sure about Drew but he is coming around and coming to terms with the fact that little brother isn't here for a visit lol. Noah definitely isn't used to having to share my attention with anyone. Ask any family member of mine, they will all tell you that Noah has been doted on something fierce! Spoiled absolutely rotten by yours truly ;) So it has been a huge adjustment for him... but my little trooper is pulling through it!
 And how could you not just fall absolutely in love with this....

I am totally smitten♥

We are all excited to be traveling south tomorrow to the great state of Mississippi for a long weekend with my family. Oh, I can hear the lake calling my name now. Hallelujah, girlfriend needs some sun! 

Hope you all have a fantastic holiday weekend!



Happy Finds

Since Drew's birth I have been pretty much house bound... of course! But Monday, while the hubby was still on family leave from work, I decided to make a little trip to town to one of my favorite stores... Joann's. I needed some more fabric for Drew's Seuss quilt so it was a great excuse to get out of the house for about an hour of 'me' time. 

Don't get me wrong... I love my boys and all of their sweetness, cuteness, awesome-ness... but being home 24/7 can take it's toll!

Anyways back to my Joann trip... I went in solely for fabric but of course I had to take advantage of the alone time and wander around the store a bit. I leisurely quickly stopped by the scrapbooking department and got some cute things for Drew's baby book!

Although I was excited with my scrapbooking goodies... my happiest find was two gorgeous frames for our spring pictures. I have been shopping around and haven't really found anything that I liked.

Alllll the way in the back of the store (in the clearance section!!!) I spotted them! Wasn't even looking for frames and I found the perfect ones and they were marked 50% off! Woohoo score, Amanda! I hurried home to show the hubs how good I did and had him stop whatever he was doing to immediately hang them up. And now they hang proudly in the living room, on the once oh so lonely wall... with all of their half off fabulous-ness! 

Now I can't wait for the photographer's pictures of Drew to come in so I can even out the other side of the window. In my opinion, nothing makes a house 'homier' (is that a word?) than pictures. I love being surrounded by them... by all of the people who light up my life!



Hello World, Meet Drew!

On Tuesday, we drug ourselves out of bed bright and early and headed to the hospital... so excited and eager to finally hold our sweet baby! 

On the ride to the hospital we were like kids on Christmas... great memories... we talked about our hopes and dreams for his future... wondered who he would favor more... and my sweet husband was reassuring me that everything would go perfectly ( I was a wee bit nervous!) 

And he was right! At around 12:00 pm they broke my water and by 1:30 pm it was time to push... yeah it went fast!! The delivery took less than 10 minutes and after about 5-6 pushes I was holding my son! He weighed in at 7.8 lbs and 19 inches long! I loved the entire experience from my nurses to the doctor to the extremely short labor and delivery. It was all totally laid back and filled with joy. My Mom was in the delivery room when my first son, Noah, was born and I absolutely loved her being in there with us to share that moment... so of course I knew I wanted her in there again. She was so encouraging and made the experience that much better. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way!

Unlike my first son who came into the world VERY loudly (lol) Drew has been sooo easy going. He is pretty much always content and never really makes a fuss. Our first night in the hospital he didn't cry... not once! At one point he made this little noise that sounded more like the whimper of puppy, it was precious lol. We had to set our phone alarms to every 3-4 hours to feed him otherwise he was just going to sleep the night away! We were not expecting that at all... we were imagining a little more chaos but so far our days have been very relaxed and laid back... and I am definitely NOT complaining. 

Now we are all just getting into the new routine of things and very much enjoying our time with Drew. We could not be happier to have him here... healthy and so beautiful!

So here ya go world... meet Drew!

He is perfect in every way... 



Drew's Nursery

Late last night, we finally wrapped up Drew's nursery.... phew! That felt like it took forever and a day! Technically it still lacks a couple of things... but for the most part... it is DONE!

Now let me tell you... if you have never painted an argyle print, you can not begin to imagine the work and detail that goes into it. Every measurement has to be perfect otherwise the entire thing is thrown off. If I never see another measuring tape or painter's tape again in my life it will be too soon

But all of the hard work paid off... and I think Drew will love it :)

Tomorrow is the BIG day... I am so excited and sooo ready!



Mother's Day

So I know it's not officially Mother's Day yet, but we decided to celebrate it today!

Adam brought home a special dinner...
Complete with dessert... some yummy cupcakes!

Talk about finding the way to this pregnant momma's heart!

And then it was time for presents...

Along with this bag of goodies, my boys also surprised me with the ferns and hanging flowers I wanted for the front porch... sweeties!

Forbidden Euphoria by Calvin Klein... love love love this perfume!

Room sprays and oil in my favorite Bath & Body Works scent- Tropical Spice!

Of course, my greatest Mother's Day gifts are my sons... Noah & Drew (who will be debuting Tuesday woohoo!)

Wishing all of you mama's out there a very  
Happy Mother's Day!



The Finish Line

We are almost there... the finish line is within my sights! I had a great check-up today... the doctor said Drew was looking good and healthy... weighing in at around 8 lbs! AND we scheduled my induction! Tuesday, May 15th! We could have scheduled it earlier, but it all came down to the dr. that was going to be on call that day.And I think May 15th sounds like a great birthday!

We also got to see Drew again today on the Ultrasound and in 3D... soooo neat! It was so cool to see what he really looks like, for a few minutes it was like he was already here with us. And Noah got such a kick out of seeing his little brother. 

We got a ton of pictures, but here are a couple of my favorites....

Isn't he adorable?!?!?! Gonna be a cutie just like his big brother :)

Well it looks like we have a super busy weekend ahead of us getting everything ready for Drew's arrival. We are SO excited!

Hope you all have a great weekend!



Big Boy!

Here are a few pics of my ever growing, oh so smart, little man!

He actually asked me to take his picture.... I eagerly pulled out my camera, super excited to take snap some precious pics.... when he quickly let me know that I was mistaken. He didn't want to be in front of the camera... he wanted to be behind it! I let him press the button a few times, he loved that, and I used that as a bribe to take some pictures of him. He didn't let me get many different shots in, but with a face like that you don't need many 'takes' to capture cuteness.

He is growing up much too fast... and that breaks my heart.... sweet sweet child of mine, please slow down!!!!!