

Big Boy!

Here are a few pics of my ever growing, oh so smart, little man!

He actually asked me to take his picture.... I eagerly pulled out my camera, super excited to take snap some precious pics.... when he quickly let me know that I was mistaken. He didn't want to be in front of the camera... he wanted to be behind it! I let him press the button a few times, he loved that, and I used that as a bribe to take some pictures of him. He didn't let me get many different shots in, but with a face like that you don't need many 'takes' to capture cuteness.

He is growing up much too fast... and that breaks my heart.... sweet sweet child of mine, please slow down!!!!!



  1. Thank you for following me, I am following you back!

    Potty training is sooo hard. We are working hard with our 3 year old but she is sooo stubborn

  2. Thanks for the follow! My 2 year old is usually stubborn about EVERYTHING lol I guess he figured I needed a break on this one lol


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