

The Finish Line

We are almost there... the finish line is within my sights! I had a great check-up today... the doctor said Drew was looking good and healthy... weighing in at around 8 lbs! AND we scheduled my induction! Tuesday, May 15th! We could have scheduled it earlier, but it all came down to the dr. that was going to be on call that day.And I think May 15th sounds like a great birthday!

We also got to see Drew again today on the Ultrasound and in 3D... soooo neat! It was so cool to see what he really looks like, for a few minutes it was like he was already here with us. And Noah got such a kick out of seeing his little brother. 

We got a ton of pictures, but here are a couple of my favorites....

Isn't he adorable?!?!?! Gonna be a cutie just like his big brother :)

Well it looks like we have a super busy weekend ahead of us getting everything ready for Drew's arrival. We are SO excited!

Hope you all have a great weekend!


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