

Hello World, Meet Drew!

On Tuesday, we drug ourselves out of bed bright and early and headed to the hospital... so excited and eager to finally hold our sweet baby! 

On the ride to the hospital we were like kids on Christmas... great memories... we talked about our hopes and dreams for his future... wondered who he would favor more... and my sweet husband was reassuring me that everything would go perfectly ( I was a wee bit nervous!) 

And he was right! At around 12:00 pm they broke my water and by 1:30 pm it was time to push... yeah it went fast!! The delivery took less than 10 minutes and after about 5-6 pushes I was holding my son! He weighed in at 7.8 lbs and 19 inches long! I loved the entire experience from my nurses to the doctor to the extremely short labor and delivery. It was all totally laid back and filled with joy. My Mom was in the delivery room when my first son, Noah, was born and I absolutely loved her being in there with us to share that moment... so of course I knew I wanted her in there again. She was so encouraging and made the experience that much better. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way!

Unlike my first son who came into the world VERY loudly (lol) Drew has been sooo easy going. He is pretty much always content and never really makes a fuss. Our first night in the hospital he didn't cry... not once! At one point he made this little noise that sounded more like the whimper of puppy, it was precious lol. We had to set our phone alarms to every 3-4 hours to feed him otherwise he was just going to sleep the night away! We were not expecting that at all... we were imagining a little more chaos but so far our days have been very relaxed and laid back... and I am definitely NOT complaining. 

Now we are all just getting into the new routine of things and very much enjoying our time with Drew. We could not be happier to have him here... healthy and so beautiful!

So here ya go world... meet Drew!

He is perfect in every way... 



  1. He is precious! Congratulations!

  2. congrats on the new addition to your family he is beautiful.

  3. Thank you! We are definitely enjoying having him home... finally!


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