

Happy Finds

Since Drew's birth I have been pretty much house bound... of course! But Monday, while the hubby was still on family leave from work, I decided to make a little trip to town to one of my favorite stores... Joann's. I needed some more fabric for Drew's Seuss quilt so it was a great excuse to get out of the house for about an hour of 'me' time. 

Don't get me wrong... I love my boys and all of their sweetness, cuteness, awesome-ness... but being home 24/7 can take it's toll!

Anyways back to my Joann trip... I went in solely for fabric but of course I had to take advantage of the alone time and wander around the store a bit. I leisurely quickly stopped by the scrapbooking department and got some cute things for Drew's baby book!

Although I was excited with my scrapbooking goodies... my happiest find was two gorgeous frames for our spring pictures. I have been shopping around and haven't really found anything that I liked.

Alllll the way in the back of the store (in the clearance section!!!) I spotted them! Wasn't even looking for frames and I found the perfect ones and they were marked 50% off! Woohoo score, Amanda! I hurried home to show the hubs how good I did and had him stop whatever he was doing to immediately hang them up. And now they hang proudly in the living room, on the once oh so lonely wall... with all of their half off fabulous-ness! 

Now I can't wait for the photographer's pictures of Drew to come in so I can even out the other side of the window. In my opinion, nothing makes a house 'homier' (is that a word?) than pictures. I love being surrounded by them... by all of the people who light up my life!


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