

Super Silly!

If I could only use ONE word to describe my son (which by the way is really hard because he is so many wonderful things) it would have to be....Silly!

It isn't unusual for Noah to be running about, flapping his arms, dancing around, sticking his tongue out and laughing hysterically. He is constantly coming up to me and saying, "Mommy, look I'm making a silly face!" All the while, contorting his face in the most awful ways. He is anything but dull... Always energized and always always just plain silly!

And it is one of the many things that I love about him.

Yes, he is sporting his 'big boy unerwears'

I just love that little face!


I asked him to show me his 'mad face.' Haha... he did a pretty good job!
Always smiling!
 Always laughing.
My sweet, silly boy!

And the person he gets all of his silliness from, his Daddy, who will probably kill me if he sees this!


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