

Pinterest, Baby!

So, I really don't feel the need to explain what Pinterest is... because everyone and their Momma has either heard of or uses this amazing site!

I'm obsessed... like seriously, seriously obsessed. 

Hi, my name is Amanda and I'm a Pin-aholic!

And here are some of my favorite as of now pins!

Shabby Chic Pom Poms by Southern Belle Soul, Mountain Bride Heart
Can we talk about how adorable this entire collection is?! Best part... she includes a tutorial for each and every one. I think a trip to the craft store is in order immediately!

Chicken Enchilada Puffs via TidyMom
>I am drooling<

If these babies taste half as good as they look it could be very dangerous for my diet. This is the perfect quick and easy (yet yummy) dinner dish. From start to finish, it takes only 30 minutes... and after reviewing the recipe, it looks super simple to make. >adding it to our weekly menu<

I have seen tons of tutorials on how to make your own chalkboards...>and I have pinned several of them< So I was elated to find this little gem! No matter how fabulous your DIY chalkboard turns out, you just can't do it justice without that uber adorable handwriting. Which I do not have. This lady has got skills... BUT she lets you in on all of her little tricks >smart<... I'm pretty confident that I can now draw on a chalkboard with the best of 'em!

Well, this list could keep going...and going...and going

But for lack of time, I will leave you with those three... this week's holy trinity of pins!

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