


Yes, admittedly I have been an extreme slacker. My poor blog has suffered for it, but I promise I have had very good reasons for it. 

I'm pregnant.

That's my reason!

Haha, in all seriousness, this pregnancy has taken sooo much out of me. Exhausted...doesn't even cover it! But I am so anxious to meet our precious Drew! 

This past weekend Adam and I got to enjoy some alone time... Noah went to his Deda's house so we decided to go on a little date.

And although it was 'our date' we decided to do a little shopping... for our boys. Gosh that sounds really strange to say... our boys

Anyways we got Noah set up for spring and summer... and started on baby Drew's wardrobe. We also got Drew's 'coming home' outfit!

P.S. I'm 28 weeks now.... only 12 weeks to go!!

Hope you have a great week!


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