

First Set of Wheels...

For Christmas, Noah's "big" present was his 4-wheeler...his very first set of wheels! Until today, the poor thing has been too sick to take it for a spin...and let me tell you he was just itching to give it a whirl!

Today he finally got the chance... and boy did he have a BLAST! Adam and I had so much fun watching him get so excited over it.

Here are some pics of my big boy getting some good use out of his wheels!

Looky at him sitting up there so big and proud!

So excited!!

Of course he had to get all bundled up before going out...and of course Mommy insisted he wear his super cute new hat! I mean seriously, how adorable is that little owl?! And those pom poms?! Precious.

Can ya tell he was lovin' it?!

And Daddy always stayed close by....just in case!

Gotta back up!... He turned into quite the pro!

I. love. that. face.

Taking time to explore... you see that water Mommy?! (spoken in Noah's super enthusiastic voice!)

My little adventurer...

Lol! I cannot help but laugh when I see this picture. He was in a hurry to go check something out, and his little hat caught some wind...hence the crazy pom pom action! And oh that worried look on his face... not sure if he would get to his destination quick enough!

Comparing his wheels to ours... Don't worry you'll get there one day!.... a long long LONG time from now.

I love this... Father and son... Doesn't get any sweeter!

Noah, worn out from all the fun! Ready to go in and eat some lunch...

I just love that sweet boy!



  1. Hey there ! Very exciting post... Noah is so precious,he was having a ball ! I hope I get to see you this week or next... I made a post too,have you seen it ? I loved this one,love ya'll, GG MA

  2. I'll definitely go and read it! Yes Noah was having a blast, we are taking it out tomorrow too as long as the weather permits. Love you too!

  3. i think i would like one of those too - bahahah! he sure looks like he had a blast!

  4. haha!! I agree! Sure couldn't beat the gas mileage on that thing!


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