

Family Pictures

We finally had some spare time ( and a certain toddler that permitted) to snap some pictures of the whole family... all FOUR of us! Generally, it is like pulling teeth to get Noah to stand still and smile for the camera.. possibly even worse. No lie. 

So I was super excited that he was cooperative and only threw a couple of those infamous 'terrible two' fits! Overall it went pretty smoothly and I was so glad to have some updated pictures...

My little sweetheart!

He was showing out for the camera... so I took advantage.

My guys... they're precious!

Yes, I am completely surrounded by handsome-ness!

Father and sons... melt my heart!

Love my boys!

Mommy's boys

Drew's BIG yawn!

My family... my life!

My hubby and I!

Even after all this time... he still gives me butterflies!

Love him

Mr. and Mrs.

I. adore. him.

LoVe it!

That laugh is contagious!

My little man.

Noah... being Noah!

He was saying.... "I'm a BIG boy, Mommy!"

Happy Friday!! Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!



They Finally Arrived!

To say that I have been super busy this past week/weekend would be the understatement of the year! I have been on the go non-stop and showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Drew is growing like crazy and is getting cuter every day! He is just way too precious ♥ 

Well in the midst of all of this running around and total "busy-ness" I finally received the package in the mail... the one I have been looking for every day for the past 2 and a half weeks.. Drew's pictures! YAY! They were taken by the photographer the day after he was born and oh my I did not realize just how much his looks have already changed. 

It really does fly by...

I will get my butt in gear pronto and take some family pics!