

Today's the Day!

Woohoo! Yay! Yipee! The day has finally come... today we find out if we are having a boy or girl! 

My appointment isn't until 3:30 this evening and I've been up since 7 am just counting down the minutes... I'm not patient whatsoever so having to wait is killing me. 

Adam can't come along with me today because he has to stay home with Noah... my poor baby has a sinus infection and an ear infection in both ears. With this being only the 2nd time he's ever been sick, it's definitely taking a toll on him. Adam isn't thrilled that he can't come today, but it gives me a chance to find some special way to tell him myself what the baby's gender is.

And Noah isn't the only one who is sick... I've got the same funk he has. Luckily Adam hasn't caught it and is off work until the beginning of the year so he's able to take care of us. I know Noah is just as ready as I am to kick this nasty cold's butt!
Despite feeling under the weather (to put it nicely) I can't help but be excited for what this day has in store! 

*Cross your fingers that baby cooperates today!*



Merry Christmas!

 I hope you all have had a very merry Christmas! We've had a blast around here!

On Thursday, we traveled down to my parent's house!
Look at this sweet picture I snapped of my mom and my son, Noah. He sure does love his 'Marmie' and definitely enjoys all of that attention! 

Molly just could not wait to tear into some gifts... oh the anticipation!

And this was Christmas morning... I snapped it before Noah woke up... it was a special time for Adam and I to prepare for and await Noah's excitement... I think we were just as excited, if not a little more.

Noah opening the very first gift!

Yep, that's my boy! Such a handsome fella...

Woohoo, let's open up some more... I can do this all day!

but first I gotta take a break to give the 4-wheeler some lovin'

Okay, now we can continue!

We are all so happy that Adam gets to spend 2 whole weeks at home! 



The Bump!

On Sunday, I will be 16 weeks along... and the bump has already showed up! My doctor warned me that this time around I would probably start showing much sooner.... he wasn't kidding! 

But he also told me I would be over the morning sickness by now...however it seems as though round 2 has hit!

Anyways, before my monthly check-up with the baby doctor, I had Adam snap a couple of pics of the "baby bump"

 Unfortunately I didn't realize that I was wearing black on top of having a dark background... so the bump may be a little harder to see....

But it's definitely there!
