

And Baby Makes Four...

That's right, the hubby and I are elated to be adding a precious, new addition to our family! On Sunday, I will officially be OUT of my 1st trimester! Whew, thank goodness! I have been basically bed ridden for the past month due to extreme morning sickness... Thankfully, I believe the worst of it has passed. I am due May 19th... a Spring baby!

And, once again, the countdown to find out the baby's gender has begun! We are scheduled to find out on December 28th, right before New Years!

I am finally starting to feel like myself again, and just in time for Noah's 2nd birthday party and to get started on Christmas shopping.

Now, I can't go an entire post and not talk about my son Noah! He has turned into the ultimate CLOWN! So very silly, just like his Daddy! And boy does he LOVE to sing! He sings to me quiet frequently :) And I definitely don't complain! I have recorded him singing on my phone... It is just TOO sweet! His favorite song to sing is "Stand By Me," one of my favorites!!

Noah is also excited about the baby... he likes to point and rub my stomach saying "baby" with a big smile on his face. When we ask him if he's going to have a brother or sister he always replies sister! We will also ask him if the baby is going to be a Parker or a Madison (our possible boy/girl names) and he always says Madison! Hmmm, we'll see if he's right!! 

Oh, by the way, hope everyone has had a safe and Happy Halloween!!!
